Helloo!!! Pls listen properly Singapore!
I am utterly disgusted by the Singapore Idol results. You voters are pathetic... We have an open voting system because we trust Singaporeans but what do we get? Probably millions of youngsters or probably 'deaf' wits that do not know how to value sound quality. Doesn't mean he is a friend and that means you have to vote for them to win ok, we don't need a singer without a proper voice! Up to the point that the most valuable singers have to go, this is too much!!! First it was Jay, then it was Rahimah, then it is Mathilda??? Helloo!!! Wake up people!!! We are not finding kindergaten singers, we are finding Singapore Idol. We do not need a monkey setting up on stage & singing us an unreachable note. Imagine what may happen if the wrong person became the Singapore Idol, what a shame to the whole world and also to the creator of American Idol, Simon Fuller. You may be jumping up & down for the monkey but people will be laughing at you too for being such a hypocrite. Why don't you just open up your ears and LISTEN!!!
Hady Mirza - He performed well as always, and always put a style to himself for the theme given.
Joakim - I have to be honest, he don't have the talent, he only win your heart with his smile and being humble and running around the stage. I totally AGREE with Ken, he should have gone out a long time ago.
Mathilda - Classic voice, no one can sing like her, she have her own thing going on the stage. She is herself, a perfect example of a Singapore Idol. TANGKAP!
Jasmine - Hey, eventhough she is pretty, well sorta, she don't sound as good as the others, BUT I believe she is improving... But if you are talking about flexibility, I don't think she have it. She can improve I think.
Nurul - Her voice is sweet, not all themes can support that and you have to know that a Singapore Idol is someone who is all about music & that able to take up anything being given to her/him.
Jonathan - A very special voice that wins lotsa girls, but don't be fooled by the charisma girls... Can handle most theme but he must be able to choose the right type of song. BUT if he were to be given a song by the judges, then let's keep fate in God's hands k...
Jay - Eventhough he is out but I have to say... I like this 'ah-beng's' voice. He can control it well and he is honest in delivering his songs, so you can see he is enjoying it & look relax while he is singing.
Rahimah - Ya she is out, everybody was devastated but we all have to agree, she have attitude problem but then maybe that is just how she bring herself out, her image. What a COOL voice she have. What a waste!
Therefore my fellow voters who come across this page, please think carefully about who you are voting. These comments are my comments so it might be different for you BUT please think over who you are going to vote. We don't vote someone because we pity them alright people!
I believe what Mediacorp should do is to go to the streets and interview people to what they think about the results & the contestants, then feature in the next show to get a taste of what really people are saying, probably those pathetic voters might see the light. But not to the extend of these interviews to be critising anyone but simple reasons to why the valuable contestants should not leave. I hope those who understands this might want to put the matter across to everyone... PLS VOTE CORRECTLY!!
Hady Mirza - He performed well as always, and always put a style to himself for the theme given.
Joakim - I have to be honest, he don't have the talent, he only win your heart with his smile and being humble and running around the stage. I totally AGREE with Ken, he should have gone out a long time ago.
Mathilda - Classic voice, no one can sing like her, she have her own thing going on the stage. She is herself, a perfect example of a Singapore Idol. TANGKAP!
Jasmine - Hey, eventhough she is pretty, well sorta, she don't sound as good as the others, BUT I believe she is improving... But if you are talking about flexibility, I don't think she have it. She can improve I think.
Nurul - Her voice is sweet, not all themes can support that and you have to know that a Singapore Idol is someone who is all about music & that able to take up anything being given to her/him.
Jonathan - A very special voice that wins lotsa girls, but don't be fooled by the charisma girls... Can handle most theme but he must be able to choose the right type of song. BUT if he were to be given a song by the judges, then let's keep fate in God's hands k...
Jay - Eventhough he is out but I have to say... I like this 'ah-beng's' voice. He can control it well and he is honest in delivering his songs, so you can see he is enjoying it & look relax while he is singing.
Rahimah - Ya she is out, everybody was devastated but we all have to agree, she have attitude problem but then maybe that is just how she bring herself out, her image. What a COOL voice she have. What a waste!
Therefore my fellow voters who come across this page, please think carefully about who you are voting. These comments are my comments so it might be different for you BUT please think over who you are going to vote. We don't vote someone because we pity them alright people!
I believe what Mediacorp should do is to go to the streets and interview people to what they think about the results & the contestants, then feature in the next show to get a taste of what really people are saying, probably those pathetic voters might see the light. But not to the extend of these interviews to be critising anyone but simple reasons to why the valuable contestants should not leave. I hope those who understands this might want to put the matter across to everyone... PLS VOTE CORRECTLY!!