Thursday, August 10, 2006

Please stop it...

Please stop the war...

Please don't kill us...

Please don't kill our friends and families...

Please don't make my life miserable...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I instantly cry when I have these pics given to my email. Why do these children have to suffer so much in life, yet we are here not doing anything. We complain about how life is and how broke we are, but have we ever think about these kids? It can't be my PMS that make me cry this way, the pics are so nervous breaking. All just because of a piece of land, life have to be this way? What is the point, we can't even bring this piece of 'fortune' when we die.

Please stop all of this...

Please stop the pain...

Please stop the violence and sufferrings...


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