Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I feel awkward. I feel like giving up all of this. I feel betrayed. For years I have been trying to put it together but then it remains the same. My help makes no sense, my presence just don't exist. Don't think I can trust anyone too. I don't understand and how to stop all this. It is like a walking drama that goes on all our life and acting as though nothing is happening, worst still, it seems I am the only one worried about it. Perhaps, I am the problem. I should get out of all this mess for the sake of others. Not sure whether this is the right thing but all I can do is to do what is best for others.

I feel tired though trying to put things together. No one knows. If they know perhaps they still do not care, just trying to catch up with the human issues all the time. I refused to be a part of hypocritical issues. It is just not me. I want to do what is right and get it done and over with. Simply hate dragging on and acting like nothing is happening. My life seems meaningless if it consists of a stage drama, only filled with laughter and joy. How about tears, sadness and compassion? Isn't that how we learn to value happiness too? I cannot go on this way. I have done my part. Enough actions, it is time for me to leave.

Goodbye, "friends".