Friday, December 16, 2005

Miss him...

On the 13th of Dec 2005, Fad went for his National Service. It is hard when he is not around. Been playing games and sleeping really late, just can't stop thinking about him, about the things he do that make me laugh. Didn't call me yet, wonder if he is busy, probably he is so tired. Couldn't deny that part of me thinks that he forget me, but then whatever it is I hope he is fine and coping well. I have to lose some weight, don't feel myself if I am like this, it is as though I am miserable... *sigh*

'Just Like Heaven' is very nice movie, weird but nice... Hope Fad can watched it with me... Though I already watched it. It has been a long time that I never write a poem. Till today...

Leaving alone unattended
Blowing in the wind of hope
Push myself within me strongly
Prolonged endurance of pain fixed
Long view of humanity awaits
Alienated in this world outside forever
Reaping the garden in dreams at night
Searching gracefully among the flowers of heaven
Spiritually coincides feelings to be alive
Imaginary friends floats in childhood memory
Nice words don't have what I need later
Touching hearts of others with a smile, I lead
Hoping tomorrow will be the end of miss

My Drama & Poetry teacher use to say that poem can come in different sounds and forms, it may not mean anything to others but then it may to some... Don't know about you guys but there is a meaning. Probably I should start with writing poems again... Maybe I should share this with Afiq, hope I am not too late to feature my poems in their book... Well, it doesn't matter but it makes me feel better. 'Never too focus when you are wrting a poem because you have to be you when you write it', I will never forget that sir, and I am sorry I forget your name but I do remember it starts with a 'D'... I feel so guilty now.


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