As a Muslim I am here to make the non-Muslims understand what they have misconcepted about us and dogs. I refer to this behaviours of some people in this website, http://www.pets.com.sg/forums/showthread.php?t=13780. We, Muslims, cannot touch dogs, especially their saliva, actually we may risk ourselve in touching their fur but it will be a high chance of their saliva being there too. Even scientifically proven that it contains a lot of germs. Muslims can't risk touching because we have to pray and before we pray we nd to clean some part of our body. And it is hard to get rid of this germs of the dog, even scientifically proven, so we can't touch dogs. Laws applemented by the government are for the clean environment and not mostly because of Muslims, U can see for yourself that 90% of the government are non-Muslims so why blame us? I am disappointed that among us Singaporeans, there are some worse than the Al-Kaedah, this people produce a wrong concept of Singaporeans. Anyway, didn't U see the signs at certain places, it stated there, 'pets are not allowed', not only dogs but pics of other animals too are stated, so don't give a reason to blame it on Muslims. Some of this restaurants or cafe that put the signs are not Halal, so why blame it on Muslims, because this people put it there for maintaining a clean environment? They say about taxi drivers right, almost 90% of them are Chinese, they don't allow that because they find it dirty, is it Muslim at fault? I even ever talked to a Chinese taxi driver and he said that he had to wash his whole taxi to get rid of the smell because one of his customer brought in a dog. I find dogs very cute and easy to please unlike cats but just too bad for me because I can't touch but doesn't mean i hate it. I like cats better because it is just nature for me, they are smaller and easy to maintain and carry. Muslims don't hate it, we just have to prevent ourselve from touching or getting in contact with it. Ever if there are reasons for people, not only Muslims, to kick the poor dog is when these dogs attack them, we can't hug the dog when it is running while its fangs showing because we know we will be hurt. There is this wild dog under my block, it is the first dog I am brave enough to walk so near to it. I find it pityful. The only thing I can do for it is to give a smile everytime I saw it. Everytime when I thought of giving it some food but just scared it might want to touch me to show affection or appreciation. I never saw him around here anymore, wonder where he is... So Singaporeans don't think too fast and talk without thinking, we are a multi-racial country so let's understand each other race and religion. The only thing that is so not allowed to get near me, to me, especially, is cockroach!!! Yuck
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