Wednesday, December 28, 2005

My English is not good enuff for U?

Hello... If U are out there, U should know that I have already forgive U, which part of my sentence that U don't understand, what hurt? Who are U to know what happen to me when U left? U were not there... How U know me? U don't. So how U know U have all the hurt, do U know that I never hurt anyone or maybe probably only my frens perhaps and still I do still have ppl who hurt me. Do U think U have matured? Pls before U ask me all that questions why not ask yourself, U are the one hurting me with all this fuss, U don't get what I mean, the moment I was explaining to U. U keep wanting to win. This is a fair game so pls... I have FORGIVE U A LONG TIME AGO, and now I didn't know that U mite appear in my life again so I was taken aback. Do U know that its hard to trust someone so I do accept the apology, neway, it is no difference because I have FORGIVEN U... Pls get that clear... I have my own doubts but I do am happy that U say sorry and that U have the guts. Get That PLZ... I have the rights to feel what I want to feel, why such a fuss. I don't care whatever U do to your blog, that is your property, just that I find it weird, whats wrong with that, just like what U say, a person is entitled to whatever the person want to say or think, anyway this is a blog, how do U know what is in my mind. It is up to U to take back your words, never live your life with regrets k. You want me to think, but what is there to think, I am not in your life and the only things I can know what is happening to U is by what U wrote in that blog. Anyway the pain that U feel through this times are all because U chose so, remember U were mentioning about karma in your blog, so is it my fault? At least U chose that way so its karma, how about me? U don't know what happen in my life, and wat U have said in previous comments, U may not know me as I am now, so this phrase goes the same to U. How do U feel when U always been there for almost everyone but still hurt by others? U won't know what happen to me so U don't understand.

"Of course it's hard for you. Why? Because you have not let it go. That hatred. That regret. Have you grown up"

About what U have said above, I will like to ask U 1 question, How do U know? U don't even know me. The only things that U have to support against that is my blog and probably my bad english. But do U know my heart well enough? If I still have all the hatred, I would have gotten with all the guys who want to know me and when I get them, I will ditch them. But did I do that? NO!!! Do U know this? NO!!! So who are U to judge me?

"Did you appreciate the life He has given you? Did you appreciate the path that He let you take?I didn't think so. Wanna know why?Imagine. Someone who is trying to make a better life, turning over a new leaf, REPENT(for God's Sake!), suddenly, on one night, decided to type his full name on his yahoo search engine. And he finds out that his bitter past from 4 years ago starts to haunt him!Think.... before you start to say anything.I've had enuf. The tables have turned. I pray the Lord to protect me from the Hurt that you cause now.Thanks. and Good Bye forever. "

From what U have written above, I do appreciate the path and my life, but then HELLO!!! like what U have said before, it is up to the person to have their way of thinking... AND get this thing right, the way I think is that I am a forgiver, I don't like revenge and I am full of doubts and I think too much... So if I have doubts means that I think too much so what is the fuss, it is just that U don't know me. Don't believe ask my frens... Seriously, I think U got it all wrong...

Plz, I really don't want to fight anymore, I just want your life to be happy and mine too. I wish that all of us can be frens. That is all. Now that U are the one who take back your words, then its up to u, because I have already forgiven U. I even pray for your happiness but then to no avail. For what I know I have done what I can for U to understand and forgave U(since along time ago), so it is all up to U now. Seems like U are accusing me of hurting U. Come on, we know that in this world there are always people hurt more than us, so let's drop this fuss. The conclusion is, U don't know me. And it is a blog so U can only see words but not feel what I am trying to say. I realise that I will always fight with someone either on MSN or email, Sunil, I need your assistance in my English here...hahaAHa


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