Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Service Pack 2? More like Service needed.

I woke up at 11am to find that I can't log into the net. Something was wrong with the LAN connection. Called Singtel to know why is the my winpoet log-in software having error, but they then told me about Service Pack 2 and their criteria might be diff for my network card. So they pass me a Microsoft number in Malaysia(toll-free!), there I was helped by Kevin D'Cruz. He is a genius but then also quite a cheater, but he did solve my problem alright. He just told me to uncheck the 'notify if low or no connectivity' box. So it seems alright now. Thank God I have his email. But he was a saviour at that point of time, funny guy too if I might add. I realised this people who do customer service have a nice tone and voice. Patience and understandable English is important too. Man, I owe that guy a lot, if U are out there looking at my blog(if he does blog hopping), THANKS!!!!


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