Monday, March 28, 2005

Kind of disappointed

Been going through all this advising thing past few days and I can't find myself an answer to everything but only direct the way to the right path. I only want love but not hate, maybe I am forcing myself too much to make them realise the sadness in this world and try to change it. Have U watch paying it forward? Do something diff and try to change the world coz when these things add up, maybe we will make it a better world, God knows we are actually preventing a war. Hmmm maybe some ppl would not understnad the pain I am feeling, I cry coz I am so affected by every surrounding I see or feel. It doesn't matter if I don't know who are they. Some ppl think I am being ignorant but then I still pray for their happiness. I may look as though I am scared of those handicapped but I am scared the moment I touch them, both emotionally and physically. They are one of the most luckiest among all of us, but then we got to lead them so that they will be able to lead themselves slowly, indirectly touching some of us and making us realise how fragile life is. They don't need to touch U to value life but just need to look into your eyes and U can feel the endurance they have and how special they are. On my next entry I shall tell U a story that make me not to give up on this advising thing and to pay it forward. I just feel disappointed coz no matter what I say or do, ppl don't realise the importance or my feelings. Perhaps no one would understand, and I am not thinking too much, this is me, I want to change the world.


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